Thousands of Turks, people from other nations march in Washington D.C. to 'let history decide'

Thousands of Turkish Americans and people from other nations marched on April 24 to say 'stop' to the defamation campaign against Turkey regarding the 1915 events and call for peace and solidarity with Turkey, in a counter-protest against Armenians.

The march was organized by the Turkish-American National Steering Committee (TASC) and took place in Washington D.C."Officially we had more than 11,000 attendees," the Steering Committee said on its Twitter account Sunday. The walk, which included different ethnicities and religions, started from the White House and continued until the Turkish embassy in Washington. Thousands of peoples from around the world also tweeted the hashtag #letHistoryDecide. The chairman of the Turkish-American Parliamentary Friendship Group Ali Sarikaya, Justice and Development (AK) Party MP and Deputy Chairman Fatma Betul Sayan, AK Party MP Ertan Aydin and the Turkish ambassador to Washington Serdar Kılıç participated in the walk. People originating from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Algeria, Kuwait, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ethiopia, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Jordan, Iraq, Malaysia, Nigeria, Syria, Pakistan etc., gathered in front of the White House from all U.S. states in the morning to show solidarity with Turkey but also to protest against Islamophobia, and the situation of Syrian refugees.

''We are now waiting for the great march organized by the Turkish-American National Steering Committee,'target="_blank"'>