565 NGOs say ‘edi bese’ to PKK terror in Diyarbakır
Representatives of 565 nongovernmental organizations gathered in Diyarbaku0131r to put an end to terrorism and say ,enough already, to the violence on September 15, 2015. (DHA Photo)

Representatives of 565 nongovernmental organizations from 21 different eastern and southeastern provinces gathered in Diyarbakır province to say "enough already" in response to the escalation of PKK attacks and disorder in the region that deeply affects locals.A text was read aloud in which the nongovernmental organizations called on the PKK to immediately cease its attacks. Emphasizing that the main hurdle to peace is the presence of arms, the text read: "To crown the peace, the PKK must disarm at once, the way should be paved for normalization and imposition leading to fear and oppression should be abandoned. Permanent peace is possible only if the PKK abandons violent discourse and arms."The nongovernmental organizations addressed the state as well. They called on the state to face the problems about balancing security and freedom.The nongovernmental organizations also called on people to use common sense and warned against all those who benefit from the ongoing conflict.Meanwhile, 12 nongovernmental organizations on Monday called on people in Turkey from all walks of life to come to Sıhhiye Square on Sept. 17 and say no to terrorism and yes to brotherhood. The nongovernmental organizations that will participate in the initiative include the Union of Chambers of Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD), the Independent Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (MÜSİAD) and others.