Red Crescent a helping hand during Ramadan

The Islamic holy month of Ramadan has seen the Turkish Red Crescent send more than 260 trucks loaded with aid into Syria, the agency announced. Savaş Avcı, head of the Red Crescent team in the southern province of Hatay, said 264 trucks crossed into Syria during Ramadan, heading for Aleppo, Idlib and Latakia - some of the most dangerous areas of the war-torn country.

The aid, which was gathered from donors across Turkey, will go to Syrians whose access to food, water, electricity and health services has been severely limited by the fighting.

"Syrians living in the area just across the border with Turkey are not only fighting against bombardments but also accommodation problems, famine and illnesses," Avcı told Anadolu Agency (AA).

He said Syrians living near the border were surviving on humanitarian aid sent from Turkey. "They need all kinds of aid, which becomes more crucial during Ramadan," he added.

Trucks dispatched from Reyhanlı and Yayladağı are loaded with tents, beds, blankets, clothes, shoes, flour, food, medical supplies, toiletries, water and stationery goods. During Ramadan, the convoys have provided aid to hundreds of thousands of desperate Syrians.

Established in 1868, the Turkish Red Crescent is one of the world's oldest humanitarian groups.