Izmir’s ‘ghost’ ships continue their journey

Two abandoned freight ships off western province İzmir's coast continue to pose great danger to marine traffic and properties on the coast.Turkish-registered Bodyer and Panama-registered Gofer B, drifted miles away from their anchored positions near the town of Aliağa due to heavy storms.Gofer B, which was confiscated by a court order in 2012, first drifted 21 kilometers (13 miles) north near the town of Çandarlı on February 1 due to the southwester storm.After being run ashore and towed into the port of Çandarlı, the ship drifted 56 km (35 miles) southwest on February 11, as a result of the recent northeaster storm that continues to affect Western Turkey. The ship ran ashore in front of a hotel in the town of Mordoğan.Gofer B was fined 321,000 Turkish Liras ($129,000) by Istanbul Municipality in 2011 for dumping hazardous chemical waste. It had previously drifted in 2012.Bodyer, also confiscated by court order, ran ashore off the coast of the town of Foça.Coast guard units warned nearby ships through radio messages about the journey of the two ships that pose great danger to marine traffic, especially during the night.Turkey's Chamber of Shipping İzmir branch chairman Yusuf Öztürk told Anadolu Agency that the legislation regarding confiscation of ships should be modified. "Gofer B has moved around like a ticking bomb in the last three years since it was confiscated" Öztürk said, stating that it is forbidden for anyone to interfere with the ships due to the ongoing lawsuit.Gofer B's route: