Turkey's youth demographic to fall

ANKARA — Turkey´s young population, which currently constitutes more than 16 percent of the total population, will decrease by nearly 10 percent in the next ten years. According to statistics released by the Turkish Statistics Institute on Friday, the young population of Turkey was 76.6 million in 2013, and the country's total population is forecast to be 84.2 million in 2023, with the young population forecast to decrease by 15.1 percent by then, a decrease of 11.7 percent in 2050 and 10.1 percent in 2075, respectively.Turkey ranked No.1 in the European Union among the countries with the highest proportion of young in 2013 followed by Southern Cyprus with 15 percent, Iceland with 14.7 percent and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia with 14.6 percent.51.2 percent of Turkey's young population are young males in the age group between 15-24 and 48.8 percent are young females in the same age bracket.