Turkey to grant more rights to dwarfs

ISTANBUL — Turkey is preparing to include individuals suffering from dwarfism in the category of handicapped people, as a piece of affirmative action to help provide employment and social rights sparked by a letter from a "devastated" father. M.A., who revealed only his initials, applied to the Ombudsman's Office for his 13-years-old son suffering from achondroplasia, a bone growth disorder. The father said in a letter to the office that his son was not categorized as disabled and deprived of rights granted to the disabled. "My son is only 110 centimeters and he has no rights. I told him that he would have everything the other people had, like a job and other things when he grew up but I was devastated when I found out the state does not see him as a disabled citizen," the letter read. The father said his son faced many challenges in life, adding, "he cannot stand up for long time periods because of his disorder, he cannot get on a bus easily. I am concerned about his future but we are not given a report to document his disability so that he can benefit from rights granted to the handicapped."The Ombudsman's Office referred the case to the Ministry of Family and Social Policies. The ministry pledged to change regulations for the rights of the disabled. Achondroplasia will be included in the new regulation. Under the new regulation, people suffering from dwarfism will benefit from exclusive employment opportunities for the disabled, monthly salaries allocated for the disabled as well as free healthcare at home.