Former Cypriot president attacked by Greek nationalists

NICOSIA, Cyprus — Former Turkish Cypriot President Mehmet Ali Talat was attacked by Elam, the far-right nationalist group in Greek Cyprus. Ali Talat was to attend a conference on the peace process on March 26.Members of the National Popular Front (ELAM) raided the conference room in Limassol while the speeches were continuing. They threw eggs, oranges and flammable materials at Talat. Following the attack, Talat and his delegation crossed back to the Turkish Cypriot side under police control.Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiades called Ali Talat to apologize for the attack. Government Spokesman from Greek Cyprus,Christos Stylianides, strongly condemned the group's "unlawful action".Greek Cyprus' police chief says three people were arrested as a Greek Cypriot far-right group staged a noisy demonstration against a former leader of the ethnically split island's breakaway Turkish Cypriots