Ahmet Özal responded to questions from the press regarding the recently released DDK report on the death of his father and Turkey's eighth president Turgut Özal at the Atatürk Airport VIP Lounge. "Everyone knows that my father's death was not a normal one," states Özal, who went on to emphasize that the era which followed the death of Uğur Mumcu needs to be carefully looked into.
Expressing that he has not read the DDK report on his father's death, Ahmet Özal stated that an autopsy had not been done on his father, however it should have been. "There are serious suspicions. Some mention phosphate poisoning. Whether or not his grave will be exhumed is of course something the court will decide. From our perspective it is not a good thing to disrupt the dead. We have already known for years now that his death was not normal and that he didn't have any sort of heart disease. However, it has now begun to surface. It has gone beyond exhuming his corpse in order to determine whether or not he was poisoned. It is now the will of God. He has passed. Everyone already knows that his was not a normal passing. It is well known that he was poisoned. There is nothing interesting about that," states Ahmet Özal.