Üstün: Abortion should be forbidden

Turkey’s Grand National Assembly Human Rights Inspection Commission Chairman Ayhan Sefer Üstün offered his support to Prime Minister Erdoğan’s recent announcement that he is against caesareans and abortions.

Offering his support for Erdoğan's recent announcement by stating, "Abortion is a crime against humanity. Abortion is taking the right to live away from a child before they are born," Üstün says that all intervention against a human living inside their mother's stomach needs to be forbidden.

Üstün went on to state: "The notion that life begins after a few months is a grand delusion. We now need to rid society of this misconception. Abortion can be evaluated from a variety of perspectives. It also poses a danger to the mother's life. Therefore, abortion needs to not be permissible."


The Turkish Medical Association (TTB) recently released an announcement which states that the right to abortion is an integral part of a women having the say in her own body and fertility.
The announcement went on to state, "We are concerned that the right to an abortion may eventually be prohibited. Caesarean on the other hand is a birthing method. As for what method a birth will take place that is something that is decided on taking the child and mother's health into consideration. State intervention would be futile."