Karayılan is the sole survivor out of the terrorists pictured

This photograph was taken ten years ago in front of Murat Karayılan's hide-out. Out of the 19 terrorists pictured in this photo, 13 were killed in combat, three were executed by the terrorist organization and one has gone missing. The only person remaining alive and free is Karayılan and he is still in Kandil.

This photo, taken in Kandil in June, 2002 of the KCK's most influential leader Murat Karayılan, depicts a ten year-cycle of deaths in the PKK terrorist organization.

The sole survivor out of the 19 high-level members of the terrorist organization present in the photo taken near Süleymaniye Kalediz is Murat Karayılan, the owner of the shelter the photograph was taken in front of.

While the upper level administration for the PKK remains in the back ground, it is those that are made team leaders and militant council members that are being killed one by one.

This photograph, which was obtained in a shelter detected by intelligence units, is of 19 terrorists, all but one since killed or missing. Thirteen of the terrorists depicted were killed in conflict, three were executed by the terrorist organization itself and one has been missing for four years now.

The following is a list of the 19 individuals present in the photo:

1- Botan aka Ayhan: Killed in conflict in Dörtyol, Hatay in 2003.
2- Cudi aka Abuzer Çelik: Killed in Batman's Sason in 2007.
3- Gorsi aka Hasan: Killed on April 22, 2004 in the rural region of Erzin, Hatay.
4- Erdal aka Engin Sincer: While he was the organization's sole member in charge of European financial sources, because he supported the 'Return Home' law, he was executed on July 9th, 2007 by Karayılan's security detail in Kandil.
5- Mazlum Goyi aka Münir Kilim: Killed on April 20th, 2011 in Pazarcık, Kahramanmaraş.
6- Cudi aka Zeki Tatar: In 2010, the terrorist organization announced that Tatar had been killed in a cross-border operation, however it turns out that all eight were actually executed by the organization itself.
7- Azat Nemrut aka İmam Hüseyin Taşkıran: Killed on June 8th, 2004 in Amanoslar.
8- Cemal aka Murat Karayılan: Still residing in Kandil.
9- Çektar aka Nedim: Executed in 2009 after being accused by Cemil Bayık of spying.
10- Nurhak Engizek aka Mazlum Gök: Killed in June, 2004 in Amanoslar.
11- Ekrem aka Hıdır: Draws attention due to the fact that he resembles DTP Deputy Fatma Kurtulan's husband in the mountains. He took part in the Başbağlar massacre and was later killed in Denmark after being at odds with Karayılan.
12- Sarya Soreş aka Zeynep: Killed in Beytüşşebap in 2008.
13- Amed aka Mehmet Yusufoğlu: Is currently in prison after being caught with enough weapons and artillery to outfit a small posse in Elbistan in 2004.
14- Rüstem Cudi aka Rüstem Osman: Killed on October 10, 2011 in an air operation, he was on the KCK Executive Council.
15- Demhat aka Sead Yunus: Killed on September 12, 2004 in the rural area of Dörtyol, Hatay.
16- Zerdeşt Karaçov aka Sait Çavuş: Killed on June 14, 2004 along the Hakkari border.
17- Tolhindan aka Alişer Bayar: Killed on June 10th by the Iranian army.
18- Code name Hatice: She was the team commander responsible for training female terrorists in Kandil. In July, 2006, it was announced that she was killed.
19- Delal aka Zeynep: She was the leader of the female wing of the terrorist group. She went missing four years ago upon the reveal of her relationship with Duran Kalkan. It is assumed she was executed.