PM Erdoğan: “The presidential system should be discussed”

Upon completing recent trips to Slovenia and Italy, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a series of significant messages on the constitution and the February 28th investigation, speaking to journalists on the return flight and during a press conference held at Ankara’s Esenboğa Airport.

When it comes to the debate surrounding Turkey's adopting a presidential system, Erdoğan says 'it is not imperative'. As for the recent wave of arrests in the February 28th postmodern coup case, Erdoğan stated, "When these waves come back to back a nation could drown in them."

In regards to the recent debate regarding switching to the presidential system, Prime Minister Erdoğan commented: "We need to learn the concept that democracy is a regime of debate. We must debate everything; we must discuss issues and not shy away from this.

Ultimately who is going to decide? Our public. Right now we are working on drafting a new constitution. We can discuss whether this constitution will include the presidential system or a semi-presidential system. Whether or not it is included at all in the new constitution is a separate issue. We are quite comfortable with whatever happens."

Erdoğan went on to state: "With my nine-years of experience, I look at things through the framework of principles. We are temporary. We care about what will benefit the nation." If something like this is included in the constitutional changes, then we will walk on with the predestination of our party." Criticizing the opposition for their stance, Erdoğan says, "We have never said anything was imperative to us."


Erdoğan commented on the fourth wave of arrests which transpired yesterday in connection to the investigation into the February 28th, 1997 'post modern coup'. "To be honest, this situation disrupts the peace of our society. We are also quite seriously uncomfortable with it. I mean the steps that need to be taken should be and it should come to an end and pass. However, when waves come one after the other, then I am sorry but the country will drown in those waves. I don't think this issue should be drawn out to this extent," said the Prime Minister.


Prime Minister Erdoğan clarified his use of the term 'one religion' by explaining that it was a slip of the tongue. "Instead of saying 'one homeland' that day, I mistakenly said 'one religion'. This was a slip of the tongue. There is no need to interpret this statement differently; it is obviously a slip of the tongue because our slogan has been the same since the founding of our party. Let me just clarify here, we have no principles based on a single religion."