Ice cold waterfall a corner of heaven in central Anatolia

Located in the Doğanşar district of Sivas, Lake Dipsiz Waterfall (dipsiz means "bottomless" in English) has been a hotspot for tourists with the rising summer temperatures.

With its ice in the winter and its greenery in the summer, Lake Dipsiz Waterfall is a wonder of nature. The waterfall is 50 meters tall and offers great scenes for photographer enthusiasts.

Nature lovers and picnickers love driving up to the waterfall and lake, which is located in an area that features mountain houses, fountains, picnic areas and small caves that reflects geographical beauty of the region.

Visitors, who capture these beauties with selfies, find a way to freshen up with the cold water of the waterfall during hot summer days.Another draw for tourists is the old wooden bridge that descends from the rocky slope of the waterfall with a 100-meter iron stairway.One of the visitors, Nurettin Sazak, said, "I live in Istanbul and I come here whenever I find time. This is the type of place that once you visit you want to see it every year. There are freshwater bodies and fountains almost everywhere."