Netflix in talks with Turkey for novel projects

Each and every movie and TV series you watch reveals more about the kind of content you like. Online video services now offer smart suggestions in line with your viewing habits. Now, the actual remote control is in the hands of the viewer, who can access their desired content anytime, anywhere

The era of intelligent on-demand video services that can suggest movies and TV series across different devices by analyzing a subscriber's viewing habits has finally come of age.With viewers in the driving seat and setting their own rules, Netflix is at the forefront of global content services that learn and utilize audience habits. It starts to recognize the movies you like as soon as you open your account. After this, the movies and TV series you have watched become part of your watch list, which helps makes sure that new and similar suggestions emerge on a regular basis. Likewise, if you have a knack for historical movies or comedies, these genres would dominate your list. It is also trying to better understand viewers to ensure continuity in online video services.The services we love in NetflixIn the last decade we would generally download videos and music, but now, we want services that fall into our laps. Missing an episode of your favorite TV series has become a thing of the past.Interest in video services is on the rise globally and Netflix is also at the forefront of successful online video services. After going global last year, it has a total of 93 million subscribers worldwide. The company, which now offers services in 20 different languages, has got into making content with global appeal.Netflix was founded in 1997 and started offering online video services through smart internet boxes called "Roku" in 2007. It has targeted all kinds of online entertainment platforms, including gaming consoles, since 2008. It also offers services on tablets and smartphones in addition to smart television, desktop computers and laptops. Subscribers make monthly payments through direct subscriptions using credit cards, or in coordination with telephone operators through smartphones and tablets.Marvel's latest TV series: 'Iron Fist' "Iron Fist," Marvel's latest TV series, was launched by Netflix on March 17. It will be available in Turkey with Turkish subtitles. It includes all standard features, and is one of Netflix's most ambitious pieces of global content so far, as it will be screened in 20 different languages.All available features are being used to bring correct suggestions to the user, not to the advertiser. The details that escaped the eye during the shooting of the series are removed during the next stage.Video services have revolutionized TV viewing by making it more accessible. Users can watch now movies and TV shows using their own accounts, no matter where they are, at home, outside, in a flight or at a hotel.Netflix CEO in talks with Turkish producersNetflix founder and CEO Reed Hastings said he visited Turkey about six months ago and talked to several producers. Though he did not give any names, he noted that he would love to carry projects from Turkey. "Turkey has productions that are achieving international success. We are following it very closely. The industry has undergone significant changes. People used to try to be involved in satellite broadcasts of TV channels. Now, there are people drawing attention with their work on YouTube channels alone."250 million hours of video per dayOnline video services, which try to serve according to different bandwidths all over the world, dynamically provide services in accordance with the connection speed of the users. Online video services such as Amazon, Apple iTunes and Netflix are working hard to improve quality. Netflix officials said 250 million hours of video were watched on the platform as of Jan. 7.

Can feelings be measured?

At the Dolby's biophysics laboratory, scientists are watching people's reactions to images and sound. The laboratory, run by the scientist Evan Gitterman, records visual and auditory effects on people. The signals from the human brain are recorded on 64 different channels. According to each subject's reaction to a different image and sound, both the temperature map and changes in brain waves are observed. In other words, the reaction given by the human brain is measured.

We dived into the computer screen

Which platforms do we like to watch? Let's put them in size order: Smart TV, desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Which one do you prefer while watching movies and TV series? We asked this question on the "Poltio" platform. The answer we got from 500 people was mostly desktop computers and laptops rather than TV.

Television lost its leadership to desktop computers and laptops. But we can also say that the answers were still evenly distributed. There was a difference of about 14 percent between the option that received the most votes and the one with the highest votes. This shows that the number of viewers watching from four different platforms is not low. Around 24 percent of voters said platform did not matter.

Colored subtitles replace piracy

Along with legal video services, computer viruses transmitted through pirated sites are no longer a problem. You can get rid of the frustration caused by the small popup windows that appear when you browse the internet.

You can watch your favorite TV show or movie without interruption due to the fact that services like Netflix do not contain advertisements. Internet bandwidth is not a problem either as optimum broadcast quality is offered by taking your bandwidth into account.

If you want to keep watching your favorite TV show in heavy traffic, but mobile data is a big problem for you, no worries. With Netflix's newly added offline tracking feature, you can download the content to your mobile phone or tablet through your WiFi connection, and watch it later offline.

With Netflix, you can also edit your subtitles as you wish and experience the most comfortable viewing, so you can prevent your content from being interrupted with subtitles. Many users love editing the subtitles in different fonts, colors and sizes.