Russian fighter jets take off from Iran to hit Daesh in Syria
Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, meets with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Baku, Azerbaijan on Monday, Aug. 8, 2016 (AP Photo)

Russia's Defense Ministry said on Tuesday that Russian warplanes have taken off from a base in Iran to target Daesh in Syria.

Tuesday's announcement marks a major development in the efforts against the Daesh terrorist group. Russia has never used the territory of another country in the Middle East — except Syria — for its operations inside Syria before this.

The ministry's statement says Su-34 and Tu-22M3 bombers took off earlier in the day to target Daesh and the Nusra Front militants in Aleppo, as well as in Deir el-Zor and Idlib, destroying five major ammunition depots, training camps and three command posts.

Russia and Iran have been expanding their ties in the past months after most of the sanctions against Iran were lifted.