Visually impaired Turkish teen swimmer eyes international glory
Turkish swimmer Mehmet Büyük trains at the Göl Anatolian High School, Kastamonu, Türkiye, Nov. 21, 2023. (AA Photo)

Mehmet Büyük, a 16-year-old visually impaired swimmer from Daday district in Kastamonu, Türkiye, is making waves as he strives to represent his country in international competitions after securing second place in national rankings.

Having lost his sight at the age of six due to an illness, Büyük initially faced a difficult journey, but found renewed joy in life when he crossed paths with swimming coach Efehan Fidancı last year.

Mehmet, who started taking an interest in swimming, clinched second place in the Turkish Championships last year.

His current goal as a visually impaired athlete is to secure a spot in the national team and bring home medals for Türkiye in international competitions.

In an interview with Anadolu Agency (AA), the teenage sensation shared that he began swimming, a sport he loves dearly, through an acquaintance.

After becoming the district champion, he participated in the Turkish Championships.

He expressed his desire to be part of the national team, saying, "I definitely want to be on the national team. I want to represent our country abroad, especially in the Olympics. There have not been many achievements in swimming by visually impaired individuals, and I want to change that. I am eager to be part of the national team and participate in the European Paralympic Championship."

Büyük, who commutes daily from the Görük village in Daday to Göl Anatolian High School in the Kastamonu city center, emphasized the positive impact of swimming on his life.

"I am in high school, attending swimming practice twice a week. Swimming is a fantastic sport for visually impaired individuals, aiding our muscle development. I am grateful for my supportive family, which encourages me in every aspect. Swimming helps me forget everything," he said.

Coach Efehan Fidancı highlighted their successful collaboration: "We are on a journey to make Mehmet a successful athlete thanks to his talents. Last year, he secured the second position in his category nationwide. This year, he is again the district champion. With the ticket we earned here, we will participate in the Turkish School Sports Swimming Championship organized by the Turkish Swimming Federation next year. As Mehmet always says, every obstacle we face only strengthens our determination. We are doing everything we can to showcase Mehmet on the international stage."