Türkiye's Öndem beats cerebral palsy odds to score big in Boccia
Turkish teacher with cerebral palsy, Yavuz Öndem (3rd R) poses for a photo with his students, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, May 27, 2024. (AA Photo)

Boccia, a sport for individuals with physical disabilities, in this case cerebral palsy (CP), Yavuz Öndem shines, boasting two Turkish championships.

Against the odds imposed by his condition, Öndem, 32, a dedicated teacher from Izmir, has not only excelled but also volunteered to introduce fellow individuals with disabilities to the world of sports.

In 2010, he graduated from high school with honors, swiftly followed by securing a spot at Ege University's Computer Education department that same year.

During his second year at university, Öndem embarked on a successful civil service career after passing an exam.

Balancing education and public service for a time, he officially joined the ranks as an information technologies instructor in 2018.

It was during his teaching tenure that Öndem encountered boccia, a sport that would come to define his athletic prowess.

His dedication bore fruit with two Turkish championships in his category, earned at competitions in Yalova and Kocaeli.

Relocating to Şanlıurfa last year due to a job transfer, Öndem did not let the move dampen his passion.

In his spare time, he began volunteering to coach boccia to fellow individuals with disabilities in the area.

In an interview with Anadolu Agency (AA), Öndem expressed his love for sports, which led him to boccia and subsequent success in the field.

Graduating from university, he embraced teaching to inspire and encourage disabled students, aspiring to be a role model.

Reflecting on his journey from Izmir to Şanlıurfa, Öndem revealed his deliberate choice to explore new cultures and territories.

Upon discovering a lack of boccia activities in Şanlıurfa, he brainstormed ways to introduce and teach the sport to locals.

This led him to collaborate with Serdar Yıldırım, the president of Şanlıurfa Disabled Sports Club, under the auspices of the Metropolitan Municipality's Disabled Coordination Center.

Their joint efforts materialized into a team four months ago, with Öndem assuming the dual role of player and coach.

Öndem's vision extends beyond personal success; he aims for national and European recognition in boccia.

He seeks to uncover the hidden talents of his fellow disabled individuals and serve as a beacon of hope.

Despite the challenges, Öndem remains resolute in his pursuit, finding joy in making a difference in others' lives.

Among Öndem's trainees, Ümmügülsüm Aktaş attested to the transformative impact of his coaching, propelling them toward the upcoming Turkish Championship with confidence and camaraderie.

Similarly, Ali Tarımak, previously a basketball enthusiast turned boccia player under Öndem's guidance, spoked of pride in their coach's past achievements and the camaraderie forged during their training sessions.