Türkiye spurs efforts to bring forgotten games back in saddle
Traditional Equestrian Sports Federation President Zübeyir Bekiroğlu during an interview with Anadolu Agency (AA), Istanbul, Türkiye, June 6, 2024. (AA Photo)

In an effort to revive Türkiye’s rich heritage, Zübeyir Bekiroğlu, president of the Traditional Equestrian Sports Federation, emphasized their mission to bring traditional equestrian sports back into the limelight.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA), Bekiroğlu highlighted the federation's participation in the 6th Ethnosports Culture Festival, organized by the World Ethnosport Confederation at Istanbul's Atatürk Airport.

The federation will showcase teams in horseback javelin, kokboru, mounted archery, equestrian acrobatics and martial arts.

"Throughout history, horses have been central to Turkish life," Bekiroğlu stated. "The Turks, renowned for their horsemanship, established universal empires with their equestrian prowess. The nomadic steppe civilization in Central Asia was built around horses, and Turks developed numerous traditional games and sports, contributing significantly to world culture."

Bekiroğlu outlined their comprehensive efforts to revive traditional equestrian sports, including horseback javelin, mounted archery and kokboru, along with lesser-known games such as chevgan, tent pegging, jundilik and otarish.

The federation has also established the Research and Revival Coordination of Forgotten Traditional Equestrian Sports, supported by World Ethnosport Confederation President Necmeddin Bilal Erdoğan's vision.

Türkiye also participated in the World Chevgan Championship in Baku last year, bringing back a centuries-old heritage to the international stage.

Bekiroğlu, who serves as vice president of the newly established International Chevgan Federation, announced that the Turkish team will compete more assertively in the second championship, set for June 10-16 in Baku.

"Our athletes and volunteers have made great sacrifices for the chevgan discipline, despite the lack of official status and government funding," Bekiroğlu noted. "They have shouldered all the expenses for preparation and organization."

Bekiroğlu highlighted the advancements in tent pegging, noting Türkiye's membership in the International Tent Pegging Federation.

He also mentioned the federation's involvement in the newly formed World Equestrian Wrestling Federation, led by Kazakhstan.

With ongoing support from the government and the Youth and Sports Ministry, they aim for these sports to receive official recognition and continue to grow.