Turkish Wrestling Federation chair Eroğlu visits quake victims
Turkish Wrestling Federation (TGF) President Şeref Eroğlu meets with Kahramanmaraş TOHM athletes in Kızılcahamam district, Ankara, Türkiye, March 7, 2023. (AA Photo)

The Turkish Wrestling Federation President Şeref Eroğlu and members of the board of directors convened with the survivors of the devastating Feb. 6 earthquakes from Kahramanmaraş, at Ankara TEDAŞ Sports Club, to discuss ongoing efforts.

According to the federation's announcement, Eroğlu convened with the athletes who had endured the earthquake in Kahramanmaraş, offering words of encouragement to the wrestlers while providing them with material support.

"My heart aches for the families and loved ones of the nine wrestlers and five football players who tragically lost their lives in the social facility of the Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality. Despite our best efforts, we could not prevent this devastating loss. As a nation, we must extend our sincerest condolences and offer our deepest sympathies to all those affected by this tragedy. May the Almighty grant peace to the souls in heaven," he said.

"It was a difficult situation, but we, as a state and a nation, are a nation that comes together very quickly on bad days. I hope we will get through this together. We are ready to do whatever we can for you as the Turkish Wrestling Federation, and we will. This is our duty anyway. May the Almighty bless our state and never let us down. I'm not just your president, I'm a former champion. You have brothers who are members of the board of directors and members of the advisory board. We will get through this together. We will always support you. May the Almighty never show such pain and such a disaster again," he added.