Turkish kickboxer defies Feb. 6 earthquake adversity toward glory
Turkish kickboxing champion Ali Pusat Doğan training, Malatya, Türkiye, Nov. 11, 2023. (AA Photo)

In the wake of the earthquakes that shook southeastern Türkiye on Feb. 6, Ali Pusat Doğan, a rising star in the world of kickboxing, is defying adversity, aiming for European and world championships.

At just 14 years old, this athlete hailing from Malatya, who once found himself living in a tent due to the severe damage and collapse of his home in the earthquakes, has clinched the title of Türkiye's champion in the 42 kg. category for youth at the Türkiye Kickboxing Championship held in Mardin last July.

Doğan's journey into kickboxing began four years ago, marked by determination and rapid progress.

Despite the challenges of temporarily living in a tent with his grandfather after the earthquakes, he continued his training in parks, showcasing a commitment to his sport.

In August, Doğan participated in the Youth European Championship in Istanbul, reaching the quarterfinals.

Now, driven by a desire to maintain his success, he has been tirelessly training at the Youth and Sports Directorate's sports hall for the past five months, with aspirations to bring home gold medals from international championships.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA), Doğan attributed his entry into sports to his father's encouragement.

Despite the obstacles, he has not only won gold and silver medals in national championships this year but also demonstrated resilience by adapting his training routines to the circumstances.

Turkish kickboxing champion Ali Pusat Doğan is seen with his medals, Malatya, Türkiye, Nov. 11, 2023. (AA Photo)

Reflecting on the challenges posed by the earthquakes, Doğan recalled, "Before the earthquake, I was training regularly, but afterward, I faced difficulties. Our house collapsed due to the earthquake, so I went to Ankara. Since I couldn't find a suitable gym there, I returned to Malatya and lived in a tent with my grandfather. We couldn't train at our gym because it was used to accommodate earthquake victims, so we trained outside, in the rain, in parks. I lived in a tent for 1.5-2 months."

Despite these adverse conditions, Doğan expressed the joy of reaping the rewards of his hard work during training.

"I trained in a tent, on the streets, and sometimes in the rain, and after the earthquake, I became the Turkish champion in the competition I participated in. I represented our flag at the European Championship by being selected for the national team. My next goal is to be selected for the national team again and win a gold medal in Europe. After that, I aim to participate in the world championship and achieve a ranking," he added.

Turkish kickboxing champion Ali Pusat Doğan training, Malatya, Türkiye, Nov. 11, 2023. (AA Photo)

Doğan, who trains four days a week, is optimistic about achieving better results in national and international competitions, now that he has the opportunity to train in a proper facility.

His coach, Yakup Yiğit, attests to Doğan's talent, expressing confidence that the young athlete will continue to climb higher in the world of kickboxing.

Despite a momentary inclination to quit the sport, Doğan's dedication and skill have not only garnered praise from his coach but have also made him a source of pride for his community.