Turkish cycling joins world in pedaling toward healthier societies
Cyclists in action during the Kocaeli Chamber of Industry (KSO) event on the occasion of Environment Week, Kocaeli, Türkiye, June 2, 2024. (AA Photo)

Turkish Cycling Federation President Emin Müftüoğlu delivered the message of "healthy societies, clean cities" ahead of Monday's June 3 World Bicycle Day.

In an interview with Anadolu Agency (AA) ahead of World Bicycle Day, Müftüoğlu mentioned the federation's collaborations with public institutions, local governments, and the private sector to bring cycling to the forefront in the media by organizing various events.

Highlighting their efforts toward the development of cycling culture and making cycling a popular sport and mode of transportation, Müftüoğlu said, "To ensure that cycling gets ample coverage on television and in the media, we organize numerous events, including the Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye, to take cycling to different cities across Türkiye."

Müftüoğlu expressed that the federation primarily aims to develop athletes at the competitive level in cycling sports, but they also recognize that the increase in the number of athletes of all ages correlates with the widespread adoption of cycling culture in Türkiye.

He highlighted the growing number of athletes in our country, attributing it to the increasing popularity of cycling.

Müftüoğlu emphasized the shared goal of promoting cycling as a mode of transportation, sport, and recreation for a healthier society and cleaner cities.

To achieve this, safe cycling paths in cities and dedicated training parks are essential, and collaboration with municipalities is underway.

Turkish ministries are also supporting these efforts by assisting with infrastructure and safety measures.

Additionally, routes to less traffic-heavy villages can be designated as cycling training routes.

The Cycling Transportation Commission is actively raising awareness through public campaigns and events, advocating for respect for cyclists and amplifying their voices by conveying their demands to relevant institutions.

Emin Müftüoğlu mentioned that events will be organized in all 81 provinces on Monday in celebration of World Bicycle Day.

Müftüoğlu shared the slogan, "Choose the bicycle for a livable world," highlighting the Turkish Cycling Federation's celebration of World Bicycle Day through riding events promoting cycling in sports, transportation, health, environment, and climate.

He also announced plans for a cycling event with the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Ankara, which proposed June 3 as World Bicycle Day at the United Nations.

Addressing cycling usage in Türkiye, Müftüoğlu noted a significant increase in cycling across society, from transportation to sports and journalism.

He highlighted developments in cycling infrastructure, integration with public transportation, and the growth of cycling as a sport, with more athletes of all ages participating.

Müftüoğlu emphasized the importance of media coverage in promoting cycling culture and cited increased coverage and interest in cycling-related media as indicators of this growth.

Regarding efforts to expand cycling paths, Müftüoğlu mentioned various projects by institutions promoting shared bicycle usage and infrastructure investments supporting cycling in transportation.

He also mentioned the Gran Fondo races organized for amateur cyclists and efforts to address barriers to cycling usage, including infrastructure, access, and societal acceptance.

Müftüoğlu highlighted the collective effort involving ministries, local governments, the cycling industry, civil society organizations, and the media to promote cycling and address barriers to its widespread adoption, including its inclusion in the primary education curriculum and support for safe cycling education from a young age.