Turkish artist-turned-cyclist discovers Istanbul's beauty on 2 wheels
Turkish ceramics artist-turned-cyclist Ipek Alakuş rides along the streets of Istanbul, Istanbul, Türkiye, Oct. 14, 2023. (Photo by Serkan Ünlü)

After years of pursuing a career in the world of art and museums, Ipek Alakuş made a bold decision at the age of 30 that would pivot her life's focus toward cycling.

With a playful nod to the famous Turkish poet Orhan Veli, she remarked, "I never knew the roads could be so beautiful," as she embarked on her journey into the world of Turkish cycling.

In this engaging interview, we delve into Alakuş's sports career and her insights on the 58th Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye, which drew to a close on Sunday.

I first met Alakuş before a race held in Bodrum.

As we started chatting, it became clear that she was a true enthusiast of cycling.

It took nearly an hour of conversation to uncover her significant achievement in the 2019 Ironman and her accolades in the Gron Fonda races because of her modesty.

Alakuş initially pursued an education in ceramics and tiles at Istanbul University, focusing on her artistic endeavors.

But, like many urban professionals, she found solace in the streets, declaring, "Life is in the streets."

It was her encounter with cyclists that transformed her life entirely.

As she pedaled through the landscapes of Çeşme's sweet treats, Safranbolu's street pastries, Amasra's barbun, Gökçeada's börek and Kazdağları's lavender ice cream, Alakuş discovered the charm of her homeland while participating in cycling races.

Turkish ceramics artist-turned-cyclist Ipek Alakuş rides along the streets of Istanbul, Istanbul, Türkiye, Oct. 14, 2023. (Photo by Serkan Ünlü)

Her story highlights the enchanting and transformative power of sports and exploration.

The 58th Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye, which concluded on Sunday, had been closely monitored by Alakuş, who offered us her perspective on the race.

"Like many city dwellers, my routine involved going to a club for indoor sports after working hours. However, I soon realized that doing the same exercises in the same place with the same people was not what I was looking for. Walking was my first step toward something different. I walked and discovered that the distance I covered was not enough; I needed more. I decided to buy a bicycle, not only to engage in sports but also to explore the most delightful corners of Istanbul and truly experience life," she said.

"My fascination with cycling also seeped into my professional work, which revolves around social media. I began to focus on what kind of content I could create and how I could convey this lifestyle to people. I reached a wider audience and explored places and regions I had never been to or heard of before. I was receiving so many messages that a significant part of my day was spent answering them. This attention further motivated me. I often laugh at comments like, 'You cannot cycle in Istanbul.' Oh, but you can," she said laughing.

"Of course, Sunday afternoons can be a nightmare in terms of traffic. We usually set out early in the morning and finish before the city wakes up. But if you are cycling for transportation during the day, you must be cautious in traffic and always wear a helmet. Electric bikes are becoming increasingly popular. They are eco-friendly and a healthy choice. With an electric bike, you can easily navigate through traffic and reach your destination in a short time, even in hilly places like Istanbul, without exerting extra effort by pedaling," she added.

"Cycling takes you through the veins of Türkiye. You go through places you would not normally visit. This allows you to experience the culture, cuisine and lifestyle of those areas. During my rides, I often find myself daydreaming about enjoying grapes in the vineyards of Cappadocia or passing through Alanya's banana groves. Our country is rich in local beauties, historical sites and regional delicacies. Exploring them is a source of great joy and enrichment. The 58th Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye has been a delightful experience for me. It began in Alanya, where the azure of the Mediterranean and the lush green of the Aegean welcomed the cyclists. Mark Cavendish had announced that he would retire from cycling at the end of this season, but before the Türkiye Tour, he signed a contract with Astana Qazaqstan for the new season. The presence of this legendary cyclist, who has a deep affection for Türkiye, thrilled cycling enthusiasts from around the world. The Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye, with its breathtaking views along the cliffs, at the summit of Babadağ, in the cradle of ancient cities, and amid the beauty of the Bosporus, has attracted significant attention from the international media. It is truly a trademark of Türkiye, and we should cherish its value," she concluded.