Traditional Turkish archery hits bullseye in South Africa
Undated picture of a female traditional Turkish archer in action. (AA Photo)

In South Africa, a nation celebrated for its cultural diversity, the ancient art of traditional Turkish archery is experiencing a resurgence, captivating enthusiasts in cities across the country.

Just a short drive from Johannesburg's bustling city center lies Winchester Hills, home to an archery school dedicated to preserving and propagating the timeless techniques of traditional archery.

"In South Africa, archery is starting to attain popularity among all the sports, and Turkish archery is starting to become popular," Huthaifa Hassan, an instructor and director of the Home of Archery School, told Anadolu Agency (AA) at his office in Winchester Hills.

Several bows, arrows, and other equipment are neatly lined on the walls in his office, while an archery board is set up outside, where he often practices before going to the range.

Traditional Turkish archery was listed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as part of humanity’s Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2019.

Hassan said he was fortunate to have been selected by the Yunus Emre Institute (YEE) in South Africa in 2022 to travel to Türkiye and attend a traditional Turkish archery workshop and education program, which has now shaped him into a master bowman.

Besides having his own school, he also teaches archery courses at the International Maarif School in Johannesburg.

Some of Hassan's students recently dazzled spectators at a children's event held at the Turkish ambassador's residence in the capital, Pretoria.

Young students and adults attending the Youth Day event were given archery lessons, and some had the chance to shoot at targets on makeshift boards.

While traditional Turkish archery is now popular in South Africa, Hassan said they also teach the modern form of archery at his school.

"I love archery. It keeps me fit and focused," a young student at the Home of Archery told Anadolu.

Growing Interest in Turkish Culture

Abdulaziz Yigit, director of the Yunus Emre Institute in South Africa, told AA that their institute also teaches courses in archery, which are drawing more and more people.

"There is growing interest in Turkish culture in South Africa. Turkish series are broadcast on local television, and many Turkish institutions have been established in the country," he said.

Traditional Turkish archery is practiced both on foot and horseback and has been shaped into a sport over the centuries with its various principles, rules, rituals, and social practices.

On foot, it includes flight shooting, long-distance shooting, "darp" (pounding) shooting, puta shooting and performance shooting.

Yigit said since the institute was established in South Africa in 2017, they have taught hundreds of students the Turkish language and art.

He said many people have shown an interest in taking the Turkish language courses for various reasons. Some want it for business communication, and others want to join higher education institutions in Türkiye.

The institute, which promotes cultural relations by coordinating with local South African cultural institutions, teaches several courses, including calligraphy.