Team Türkiye ties loin cloths as 2024 Paris Olympics loom large
The Türkiye Iş Bankası illustration shows some of the 85 athletes from Team Türkiye who have qualified for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. (DHA Photo)

The countdown to the world's greatest sporting event is on.

With just 30 days remaining, the Paris 2024 Olympic Games are set to feature Team Türkiye's impressive delegation of 85 athletes across 18 sports disciplines.

The Games, taking place from July 26 to Aug. 11, mark France's third time hosting the Summer Olympics, following 1900 and 1924.

The grand opening ceremony will unfold along the Seine River on July 26, promising a spectacular start to the Games.

The Olympic flame, kindled in ancient Olympia on April 17, has been journeying through France since May 8.

In a nod to sustainability, five Olympic rings crafted from recycled steel now adorn the iconic Eiffel Tower, standing 95 meters long and 43 meters high.

As qualification events continue, 85 Turkish athletes have secured their spots in disciplines such as artistic gymnastics, shooting, athletics, badminton, cycling, boxing, fencing, wrestling, weightlifting, judo, rowing, table tennis, modern pentathlon, archery, taekwondo, volleyball, swimming, and sailing.

Türkiye İş Bankası, a key supporter of the Turkish National Olympic Committee (TMOK) since May 2022, is committed to fostering Olympic spirit and encouraging youth participation.

Suat Sözen, deputy general manager of İş Bankası, highlighted the excitement building as the Games approach.

"Our athletes, along with their coaches, federations, and families, have been preparing for Paris 2024 with immense dedication and perseverance. We believe they will showcase their hard-earned skills and determination at the Olympic Village. Currently, 85 athletes from Türkiye have qualified, and we extend our congratulations to them and best wishes to those still competing for spots," Sözen remarked.

He also emphasized the wealth of untapped potential in Türkiye, beyond the already acclaimed athletes.

"With the right opportunities, our youth can achieve remarkable feats and bring us immense pride. We continue to support our athletes with this belief," he added.

Paris 2024 aims to be the greenest Olympics yet, focusing on environmental sustainability, gender equality, and inclusivity.

The goal is to halve the carbon footprint of previous Games, which averaged 3.5 million tons of CO2 emissions.

To achieve this, 95% of the infrastructure will be sourced from existing or temporary resources, incorporating low-carbon buildings, renewable energy, and sustainable food services.

Post-Games, the Olympic Village will transform into a vibrant community for 12,000 people, featuring residential, office, and retail spaces, embodying a lasting legacy of sustainability.

Medals awarded to athletes will contain iron salvaged from the Eiffel Tower's 20th-century renovations, symbolizing both heritage and environmental awareness.

For the first time, gender parity will be achieved among competitors, with equal numbers of male and female athletes.

This is a significant milestone, considering that in 1900, women constituted only 2.2% of participants.

The opening ceremony will break tradition by taking place outside a stadium, with a 6-kilometer parade along the Seine, witnessed by 300,000 spectators.

Athletes will greet the audience from boats, creating a unique and memorable spectacle.

Another historic first is the marathon, which will allow amateur runners to compete alongside Olympic athletes. This inclusive race will feature participants who have qualified through various events in France.

This year also marks the centenary of Türkiye Iş Bankası and a century since Türkiye first competed in the Paris Olympics.