Galatasaray send 100th aid truck to quake-hit zones
Galatasaray aid truck with relief items leaves for Feb. 6 twin quake-hit zones, Istanbul, Türkiye, March 6, 2023. (IHA Photo)

Galatasaray announced on Tuesday that they had dispatched their 100th aid truck to the quake-stricken region in southeastern Türkiye in a show of compassion and solidarity as they continue to assist in the disaster area.

According to club President Dursun Özbek's statement on the club's website, the aid continues at an accelerated rate.

Özbek also confirmed that the aid reached its destination.

"Our aid to the region does not end with the 100th truck – we have allocated 500 containers, built essential infrastructure, and begun shipment of containers, including mobile toilets. During my visit to the region, I had the privilege of meeting with Minister Murat Kurum to discuss the pressing need to prevent migration. Unfortunately, the workforce has been decreasing as people are forced to migrate due to unease in the area. I visited Hatay, Maraş and Antep to observe the industries significantly affected by the migration. We at Galatasaray wanted to support this and agreed with the Minister to construct approximately 250 permanent residences so that people can have a secure home and not be compelled to leave the area. We are currently in the process of fulfilling this promise," he said

Noting that 10 schools made of light steel will be built in the region, Özbek said, "As a nongovernmental organization (NGO), we strive to heal these wounds and provide the best level of care possible. To that end, we are devoted to building permanent residences and schools essential to the Galatasaray community. We have been actively engaging in various campaigns to that effect. As Turks, we firmly believe this is our civic duty. The 100th anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye is a significant milestone; likewise, we are committed to healing the wounds caused by the earthquake. This is a wound that affects us all. We must not let our enthusiasm fade on the first day. Unfortunately, the situation in the region is dire, with a decrease in the local workforce and the cessation of industry, thus having a profound impact on the country. We are in close contact with the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) for monetary aid. All Galatasaray fans should support our efforts and join us in our mission."