All roads lead to Istanbul's 6th Ethnosport Culture Festival
World Ethnosport Confederation Necmeddin Bilal Erdoğan speaks at a news conference ahead of the 6th Ethnosport Culture Festival, Istanbul, Türkiye, May 29, 2024. (AA Photo)

Istanbul is set to come alive on Thursday with the commencement of the 6th Ethnosport Culture Festival, organized by the World Ethnosport Confederation.

This four-day extravaganza, held at Atatürk Airport, promises a rich blend of traditional sports, arts, and cultural activities, all free for attendees.

With participation from 30 countries, the festival showcases a diverse array of events, including traditional sports, games, arts, and gastronomy.

Visitors of all ages will find activities tailored to their interests, from archery and horseback riding to hands-on workshops in traditional arts.

Festival-goers will have the chance to engage in various traditional sports and games under professional guidance, gaining firsthand experience in activities like archery and horseback riding.

Additionally, workshops will offer insights into traditional arts, allowing participants to immerse themselves in the cultural heritage on display.

The festival is particularly inclusive, featuring special events for children and activities designed for disadvantaged groups.

Highlights include a hippotherapy session, a visually impaired mangala tournament, and performances by disabled artists.

These events ensure that everyone can participate and enjoy the festivities.

Visitors will also enjoy a culinary journey, sampling flavors from around the world.

The festival will feature performances by the renowned Karabağ Horses, providing unforgettable moments.

Traditional tents and craft workshops will bring to life the nomadic lifestyle of Türkiye’s regions, offering a glimpse into the country's rich heritage.

In collaboration with the Federation of Turkish Photography Art, the World Ethnosport Confederation will host a photography competition as part of the festival.

Attendees can capture the vibrant scenes and activities, with the best photographs being recognized and celebrated.