'Age just a stroke away': Turkish masters swimmers make splash
Turkish veteran swimmers pose for a photo during the Turkish Open Water Swimming Championship, Edirne, Türkiye, Sept. 9, 2023. (AA Photo)

In the Turkish swimming championships, it is the masters category that has been making waves of inspiration.

These seasoned aquatic enthusiasts prove that age is no barrier to passion and excellence in sports.

With an exuberance that rivals their younger counterparts, these water-loving veterans are adding a unique hue to every competition they grace.

One standout figure is 69-year-old Hasan Heke, a participant in the Turkish Open Water Swimming Championship organized by the Turkish Swimming Federation in the city of Edirne.

Heke's journey into competitive swimming began at 55, following a doctor's recommendation.

According to Heke, the sport has not only improved his back discomfort but has also propelled him towards remarkable achievements.

"I began with a humble 1,000 meters and gradually worked my way up to conquering distances as extensive as 10,000 meters," Heke shared with enthusiasm.

"In 2017, I was part of a historic swim team that braved the English Channel's treacherous waters between England and France. We've swum in the stunning locales of Greece's Meis Island and Antalya's Kaş in thrilling district competitions. Just last year, I successfully crossed the Dardanelles and clinched the top spot in my age category. I actively participate in races spanning the length and breadth of our beautiful country."

For the past 15 years, Heke has proudly worn the badge of a licensed athlete for the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Masters Team.

He fondly reminisced about his training sessions, which often unfolded in the iconic waters of the Bosphorus.

Heke's commitment knows no bounds. "We challenge ourselves by swimming against the relentless currents near Sarayburnu to build strength," he revealed, adding: "We dive into pools for added practice. Our ultimate goal is to be role models for the younger generation. My 13-year-old granddaughter, Miray Heke, has already taken inspiration from my journey and is making significant strides in his swimming career, aiming for the national team. We eagerly anticipate witnessing his ascent."

Heke's daily routine highlights his unwavering dedication.

"My day begins at the stroke of 5:00 a.m.," he said. "I make my way on foot to Üsküdar, occasionally opting for a swim from Üsküdar to Sarayburnu before the city ferries set sail. Swimming to work is my way of life, and I can't help but feel a touch of sadness for peers who spend their days idling in coffeehouses. My sincere wish is for them to join us in the world of swimming."

Another remarkable master swimmer is 69-year-old Hasan Tınas, who embarked on his aquatic journey a decade ago as a remedy for nagging knee discomfort.

Over the years, Tınas has earned a unique bond with the water, and it's not merely a leisurely pastime.

"With knee prostheses and a newfound love for swimming, I have discovered a new lease on life," Tınas shared.

"Today, I tackle long distances with fervor. Swimming has been the turning point of my existence. I've conquered the challenging waters of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles six times, and in an astonishing feat, I swam a formidable 7,200 meters from Meis Island to Kaş in a mere three hours," he added.

Tınas proudly represents the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Masters Team in championships scattered across Türkiye, a testament to his enduring commitment to the sport.

His message is crystal clear: "Swimming transcends age boundaries. It welcomes people of all generations to partake in its invigorating embrace. What's remarkable about swimming is that it beckons others to follow in our wake. We initiated our training sessions in the pools, and as friends who brought their children watched us, they too found their way into this wonderful sport."