Turks purchase property mostly in Germany

Müjdat Güler, the CEO of Nova Group Holding - a company selling properties to Turkish citizens abroad and providing real estate consultancy services since 1975 - noted that the number of properties Turks have purchased in Germany will soon exceed 2 million.

CEO Güler revealed the results of the research they performed on Turkish citizens' property purchasing habits abroad. The research showed that property purchases of Turkish expats started increasing in 1985 and currently around 45 percent of expats living in Germany are purchasing properties. The number of properties purchased by Turks is around 1.8 million in Germany - with most properties located in Berlin, followed by France with 120,000, Belgium, Switzerland and the Netherlands with 150,000, the United States with 75,000 and Sweden with 10,000. The U.S. based real-estate investment consultant company, Coldwell Banker's Turkey Division President Gökhan Taş, noted that Turks are interested in buying properties in the U.S. and the most preferred cities are New York, Miami, Los Angeles and San Diego. "The highest demand is in the middle-income property segment," Taş added.