Türkiye expects respect from allies as it fights PKK terrorism
A man walks close to a fire raging at the Zarba oil facility run by the PKK/YPGterrorist group after a reported Turkish airstrike, al-Qahtaniyah, Syria, Oct. 5, 2023. (AFP Photo)

President Erdoğan said Wednesday that Ankara would not rest in its counterterrorism fight and urged the country's allies, including the U.S., to respect Türkiye's right to carry out operations against the PKK and its Syrian wing YPG, which is backed by the Pentagon

Türkiye's counterterrorism fight beyond its borders continues relentlessly as it carries out strikes targeting the PKK. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan pledged more operations while warning the United States, which cooperates with the PKK's Syrian wing YPG.

Terrorists from northern Iraq or Syria plotting to attack Türkiye will find no rest from Turkish security forces, Erdoğan said Wednesday.

"We do not give any respite to the terrorists who are preparing to attack our country from their lairs in northern Iraq or Syria or to harass our elements in the region," Erdoğan said at the Justice and Development Party's (AK Party) group meeting in the capital Ankara. He said Türkiye will continue stepping up intense air operations in northern Iraq and Syria, "showing that we are committed to eliminating terrorist group members at any time and wherever they may be."

Türkiye has recently been carrying out airstrikes in northern Syria and Iraq to eliminate terrorist attacks on the Turkish people and security forces by "neutralizing" the PKK/YPG and other terrorist elements to ensure border security based on its right to self-defense under Article 51 of the U.N. Charter.

The airstrikes followed a foiled attack in Türkiye's capital Ankara. On Oct. 1, a suicide bomber blew himself up in front of the Interior Ministry building, while another terrorist was killed by security forces at the entrance gate. Two police officers suffered minor injuries in the attack. The Turkish Interior Ministry confirmed the attackers' ties to the PKK terrorist group. In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the US, and EU – has been responsible for the deaths of over 40,000 people, including women, children and infants.

Erdoğan said Türkiye would "eventually respond" to "those harming us" by siding with terrorists while Türkiye was fighting terrorism, in reference to the United States, which shot down an uncrewed armed drone Türkiye sent to northern Syria to strike PKK targets last week. Erdoğan has earlier said Türkiye would take "necessary action" in response to the incident.

"We hope that those who continue their ambition dating back to the Gulf War will revert back to sane policies based on our common national interests," he said. "Türkiye respects every state it allied with, respects their laws. In the same way, we expect them to respect our law. If they cannot balance it, each ally has the right to chart its own course. We aim to walk toward a safe future with sincere relations with our allies," he said. "We have been living in this region for a thousand years, and we paid a price. But we are the innkeeper here, not traveler," he said.

"So, travelers should review their stance on this matter. It would be in their own interest to act (responsibly)," he said in veiled remarks aimed at the United States.