Authorities announced Thursday that 13 suspects were captured in operations against the terrorist group Daesh. The operations culminated in an investigation by the Chief Prosecutor’s Office in Istanbul.
Police launched raids in several locations across the city to capture the suspects.
Türkiye has ramped up operations against Daesh since the group attacked an Italian church in Istanbul in late January, killing one man during Sunday Mass.
The terrorist group operates a so-called Daesh-Khorasan Province (Daesh-K) network in Türkiye, which looks for "new methods" and recruits more foreign members for its activities after constant counterterrorism operations became a "challenge," security sources say.
The National Intelligence Organization (MIT) thwarted the terrorist group's efforts for recruitment, obtaining funds and logistics support after its latest operation in the aftermath of the church shooting.
Daesh remains the second biggest threat of terrorism for Türkiye, which faces security risks from multiple terrorist groups and was one of the first countries to declare it as a terrorist group in 2013.