2 PKK members surrender in northern Iraq
Trucks are seen passing through the Habur border gate to Iraq in Şırnak province, southeastern Türkiye, April 5, 2020. (Sabah Photo)

The Defense Ministry on Saturday said two PKK terrorists, who fled from shelters in northern Iraq, surrendered at a border post in Habur as Türkiye continues to step up counterterrorism efforts at home and abroad.

"The only way out for terrorists is to surrender to Turkish justice!" the ministry said on X.

A significant number of suspected terrorists have begun to abandon the PKK and surrender, but many terrorists lack the courage to leave the terrorist group out of fear of severe punishment if caught.

The PKK’s leadership is struggling to recruit both militants and higher ranks, according to reports. Additionally, many terrorists are reluctant to enter Türkiye from Iraq to carry out attacks due to the high number of casualties.

In recent years, Türkiye has stepped up domestic operations and efforts across its borders against the terrorist group and convinced a substantial number of members to abandon the PKK.

Protests by a group of families in front of the pro-PKK Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) headquarters in Diyarbakır demanding the return of their sons and daughters, who were recruited or kidnapped to fight for the terrorist group, have also helped increase the number of people surrendering.

On the other side, the ministry on Sunday announced further that a cave belonging to the terrorist group was seized and destroyed during the Claw-Lightning operation in northern Iraq.