Turkish politicians vote in presidential, parliamentary elections
Good Party (IP) Chairperson Meral Akşener votes for Türkiye's presidential and parliamentary elections, in Istanbul, Türkiye, May 14, 2023. (AA Photo)

Millions in Türkiye headed to polls on Sunday to vote in the country's presidential and parliamentary elections, including political figures who urged everyone to cast their votes as the nation expects its highest voter turnout.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan cast his ballot in Saffet Çebi Elementary School in Üsküdar district located in Istanbul's Asian side. First lady Emine Erdoğan accompanied the president at the polling station.

Republican People's Party (CHP) Chairperson and presidential candidate Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu voted in the Arjantin Primary School in Ankara.

Presidential candidate Sinan Oğan cast his vote in Ankara's Kocatepe Mimar Kemal High School in the Çankaya district with his wife Gökçen and children Göktürk and Zeynep.

"I want to appeal to all our citizens here. Please, everyone, vote. Let's spend this election in a festive mood and peace," Oğan said.

Presidential candidate Sinan Oğan votes for Türkiye's presidential and parliamentary elections, in Ankara, Türkiye, May 14, 2023. (AA Photo)
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan votes for Türkiye's presidential and parliamentary elections, in Istanbul, Türkiye, May 14, 2023. (AA Photo)
Republican People's Party (CHP) Chairperson and presidential candidate Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu votes for Türkiye's presidential and parliamentary elections, in Ankara, Türkiye, May 14, 2023. (AA Photo)
Head of the Homeland Party (MP) Muharrem Ince votes for Türkiye's presidential and parliamentary elections, in Ankara, Türkiye, May 14, 2023. (AA Photo)

Muharrem Ince, head of the Homeland Party (MP) and one of four presidential candidates despite his last-minute withdrawal, cast his vote in Çankaya's Şener Çakmak High School in Ankara.

Good Party (IP) Chairperson Meral Akşener – part of the Nation Alliance, supporting candidate Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu – voted in Istanbul's Üsküdar district.

Akşener, who voted in the Hacı Sabancı High School, spoke with reporters afterward. Akşener stated that she held 45 rallies and attended 54 events throughout the election campaign.

Akşener said she would follow the election in Ankara and congratulated the Mother's Day of all women.

Supreme Election Council (YSK) Chairperson Ahmet Yener cast his vote in the same school as Kılıçdaroğlu in Ankara's Arjantin Primary School.

After congratulating Mother's Day, Yener stated that he wished for the elections to be good for all candidates, the president and Parliament.

"So far, the elections continue without any problems," Yener said, hoping it would continue like this. "I wish this process to benefit the Turkish nation once again."

Yener noted that they had sent instructions to all balloting committee chairpeople regarding presidential candidate Muharrem Ince who withdrew from the race on Friday. Yener restated YSK's announcement on Saturday that affirmed the validity of votes for Ince despite his last-minute withdrawal. He said they informed and warned balloting committee chairpeople not to cross out in any way Ince's name on the ballot.

Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ votes for Türkiye's presidential and parliamentary elections, in Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, May 14, 2023. (AA Photo)
Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu votes for Türkiye's presidential and parliamentary elections, in Istanbul, Türkiye, May 14, 2023. (AA Photo)

Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu voted for the presidential and parliamentary elections in Dobruca Middle School in Istanbul's Gaziosmanpaşa district.

Soylu spoke about the security measures taken for the elections across the nation.

"Türkiye has great experience and understanding regarding the security of elections. For these elections, together with the YSK, we made a distinction in eight different regions and held meetings and coordination in each of them. Today, 601,000 of our officials, police, gendarmerie, coast guard and security guards are at their duties until the elections end," Soylu said.

Defense Minister Hulusi Akar cast his vote in Kayseri High School in Kayseri, where he had graduated 54 years earlier.

Akar stated that the elections would significantly contribute to the country's stability, future, welfare and security.

"As parties, we expressed our ideas and thoughts, explained our plans and projects, and met with our citizens. Our citizens listened, they will decide, and they will vote today," he said.

Defense Minister Hulusi Akar votes for Türkiye's presidential and parliamentary elections, in Kayseri, Türkiye, May 14, 2023. (AA Photo)
Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor Ekrem Imamoğlu, with his wife Dilek and son Mehmet Selim, vote for Türkiye's presidential and parliamentary elections, in Istanbul, Türkiye, May 14, 2023. (AA Photo)

Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ voted in Bahçelievler Saadet Özdemir High School in Şanlıurfa.

"Today, our nation will decide for the future of our children, family, nation and state," Bozdağ told reporters. "I do not doubt that the elections will be held democratically all over our country," he added.

Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor Ekrem Imamoğlu voted in the Beylikdüzü district of Istanbul with his wife Dilek and son Selim in Emin Yüksekoğlu High School.

Imamoğlu thanked everyone for taking part in the elections.

"I hope that the results of this election will bring a strong democracy to our country, that our nation moves away from the polarizing language of politics, and that politics as a means of serving its nation meets reality," Imamoğlu said.