US says Sweden’s NATO membership strengthens alliance
White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan speaks during the White House daily press briefing in the James S. Brady Briefing Room at the White House, Washington, U.S., Dec. 4, 2023. (EPA Photo)

The U.S. on Tuesday welcomed Türkiye's approval of Sweden's entrance into the NATO alliance, saying the Nordic country’s membership will strengthen the Atlantic bloc.

"We welcome the Turkish parliament's vote approving Sweden's application to join @NATO," Jake Sullivan, Biden's national security advisor, said on X.

"This has been an important priority for @POTUS. Sweden is a strong, capable defense partner whose membership in NATO will make the U.S. and the Alliance safer and stronger," he added.

The Turkish Parliament hours earlier overwhelmingly ratified Sweden's membership in a 287 to 55 vote. Hungary is now the only NATO member state that has not signed off on Sweden's entry into the alliance.

Finland and Sweden – both Nordic countries close to or bordering Russia – applied for NATO membership soon after Russia launched its war on Ukraine in February 2022.

Finland became NATO's 31st ally in April 2023 following approval from all of the alliance's legislatures.

Following the Turkish Parliament's approval, a National Security Council spokesperson told Anadolu Agency (AA) that Biden continues to support the sale of F-16s and their modernization kits to Ankara, saying it "would help facilitate NATO interoperability and is in the US national interest."

"President Biden has long been clear that he supports selling F-16s to Türkiye to modernize their air fleet," the spokesperson said on condition of anonymity. "Congress has an important role in approving arms sales, and we are working with Congress on this."

Türkiye submitted a letter of request in October 2021 to purchase 40 F-16 Block 70 fighter jets and 79 modernization kits from the U.S.

The Biden administration informally notified Congress of the sale last January and a tiered review process was initiated to start negotiations with Congress.

Key lawmakers in Congress have tied the F-16 sale to Türkiye's approval of Sweden's NATO accession bid.

Sen. Jim Risch, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said he was "pleased" with the Turkish Parliament's approval.

"I look forward to the accession protocols being filed by @RTErdogan," Risch said on X, referring to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

"Now, I call on the last remaining country, #Hungary, to quickly ratify Sweden's accession," he added.

Italy, others welcome Turkish Parliament's ratification of Sweden's NATO accession protocol

Italy and other countries also welcomed the Turkish Parliament's ratification of Sweden's NATO accession protocol.

"The Government welcomes the ratification of Sweden's protocol of accession to the Atlantic Alliance by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. A step in the right direction, strengthening our collective security," said a statement by the Prime Minister's Office.

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani wrote on X: "Ratification of #Sweden's accession protocol to NATO by the Turkish Grand National Assembly is an important signal," after the ratification late Tuesday.

"The Atlantic Alliance is a priority. Greater cooperation to strengthen cohesion and jointly address challenges to our security," he added.

Romania also expressed approval of the ratification.

"Romania welcomes the important decision taken by the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye. We look forward to welcoming Sweden as a NATO member very soon," Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu wrote on X.

Similarly, Denmark welcomed the ratification.

Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmunsen wrote on X: "Very pleased the Turkish parliament has now ratified Sweden's NATO-membership. Sweden in NATO will strengthen security in the Alliance and the Nordic region."