MFA congratulates Turkish official's reelection at UN
Cihan Terzi, a member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions for the United Nations. (Linkedin Photo)

Turkey on Saturday congratulated its official for regaining membership into a committee that advises the United Nation on budgets.

"We believe that Mr. (Cihan) Terzi will continue to highly contribute to the works of the Committee and we wish him every success during his time in office," Turkey's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a written statement.

Nominated by Turkey, Terzi was reelected to the U.N. Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions for the 2021-2023 term on Nov. 6 in New York.

"The reelection of Mr. Terzi, who holds extensive experience and expertise at both national and international levels in areas of finance and management, to this Committee is a reflection of Turkey's efficient position within the international organization," the statement added.

Between 2006 and 2015, Terzi worked as an inspector at the U.N.'s Joint Inspection Unit. He then worked as a senior inspector at Turkey’s Ministry of Finance until 2017.