Kurdish journalist whose dad was killed by YPG speaks at terror victims' event in France

A Kurdish journalist whose father was killed in an attack by People’s Protection Units (YPG) terrorists last month gave a moving speech Saturday during the closing session of the Eighth International Congress for Victims of Terrorism in Nice, France.

TRT Kürdi correspondent Gülay Demir was among 400 victims of terrorism that gathered in Nice to share their experiences at the congress, which began on Thursday.

Demir’s father was killed in a terror attack by the PKK’s Syrian affiliate the YPG in the Nusaybin district of Mardin province in southeastern Turkey.

Holding back tears, Demir read a manifesto alongside other victims during the closing portion of the congress.

"We, as terror victims, are not seeking hatred. We, as terrorism victims, only want one thing: that future generations will not experience the persecution we experienced directly or indirectly," she said.

"We, the heads of state and the victims, by working together, believe that we will be able to prevent the immortalization of this pain and bring hope to a better world," she said, concluding: "I miss you very much, father."

Demir received lengthy applause from the audience and was embraced by the other terror victims on stage.

The three-day congress was also attended by Turkish police officer Başmüfettişi Asım Bulat, who was heavily wounded during the July 15 coup attempt by the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ), and the parents of Deniz Çeliker, who was killed in a Daesh terror attack at Reina nightclub in Istanbul on Jan. 1, 2017.