Firm steps to be taken toward new period for AK Party

The renewal process for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) for the upcoming general elections in 2023 starts next week. The party has initiated work in various areas, including training mayors along with surveys to understand the opinions, wishes and demands of the people.

On Aug. 23, during the party's Central Executive Committee (MYK) meeting under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, it is expected that the decision of the 7th Extraordinary Congress will be taken and the MYK will be authorized in this regard. "A new AK Party is coming," said the president in his speech at the 130th Extended Provincial Heads Meeting at the end of last month, indicating that the party will renew itself in many aspects and face the people with 22 years of experience in 2023. The process of holding a congress will first start in cities and subsequently congresses will take place in provincial areas. Meanwhile, congresses for the women's and youth branches of the party will also be held. It is projected that at least 50% of the organizations' structures will be amended with this process.

"The upcoming period of four years will be a time of structural reforms for our country regarding the issues that need renewal or are demanded to be changed in every aspect," AK Party Deputy Chair Jülide Sarıeroğlu said during visits the party received during Qurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha). In this regard, programs in the provinces of Erzurum, Şanlıurfa, Nevşehir, Bursa, Afyonkarahisar and Samsun, will offer mayors from around the country training on leadership, public relations, effective communication, resource development, legislation, budgeting and personnel management. This program was launched at the end of July in Erzurum with the intent of creating a report for the president that details the mayors' requests.

Meanwhile, the AK Party also launched comprehensive citizen surveys for all segments of society to determine their opinion of the presidential government system, which has been in effect for a year. Citizens will evaluate the first year performance of the new government system and state their expectations about the future of the system.

The party, which celebrated its 18th anniversary on Wednesday, always underlines its process of rejuvenating itself and its struggle to win the love of the people by considering their problems, wishes and suggestions. Besides for renewing the organizations, there will be a parting of ways with executives who cannot keep pace with the party's vision.