Akşener's promises for new beginning fail to curb unraveling in İP

Despite promises by opposition Good Party (İP) Chairwoman Meral Akşener to launch a fresh start, the recent resignation of Orhan Erzurum, a founding member, signals that the party is continuing to unravel.

Erzurum, a founding member and Akşener's adviser, announced his resignation yesterday, stating that nothing has improved in the party after the extraordinary convention on Aug. 12.

"We waited for the Aug. 12 congress with the hope of turning a new page; yet, contrary to expectations, nothing has improved and I have lost all hope of improvement," Erzurum said in a written statement.

"After the analysis of why the party received votes well below expectations in the June 24 elections, the solution was apparent to all of us," he added. "Problems in the organization and the undermining of some party members who did not receive their individual expectations were the biggest obstacles for us."

Pointing out that the İP, which was founded on Oct. 25, 2017 with great hopes of creating an alternative in the Turkish politics, failed to fulfill expectations, he indicated that he cannot be a member of a party where there are no political ethics or consultation.

The party was shaken by resignations in the aftermath of the June 24 elections, and many blamed Akşener for the party's poor performance in the elections and discontent with her unilateral decisions in candidate lists.

Osman Ertürk Özel, the founder of the party's youth branch, announced his withdrawal on May 21 in reaction to his low position on the candidate lists. On Aug. 6, three founding members of the IP - Yusuf Halaçoğlu, Özcan Yeniçeri and Nevzat Bor - resigned from the party, holding the party's administration accountable for the unsuccessful election results and blamed the party of "disloyalty" in preparing the deputy lists.

In the face of mounting pressure, Akşener previously decided to step down, accepting her responsibility over the failure of the party and announced that she will not be candidate in the extraordinary convention; however, her supporters brought her back following intense efforts to nominate her as the only candidate in the Aug. 12 convention. Strengthening her grip on the party, Akşener, who received 881 votes, promised to turn a new page for the party.