Good Party ready for emergency convention amid risk of unraveling

The opposition far-right Good Party (İP) is set to gather at an emergency convention on Aug. 12.

With claims the party might be unraveling from the recent string of resignations that were triggered by a frustrating performance in the June 24 elections, the İP will gather with the mindset of initiating a fresh start.

The work of the technical commission established for the healthy execution of the works of the İP for the convention has been concluded.

The commission has set the main slogan of the congress to be held at the ATO Congresium in Ankara as "We are just getting started" reports said yesterday.

Chairwoman Meral Akşener is expected to be nominated as the sole candidate by the delegates and re-elected to lead the party. At the convention, the emphasis will reportedly be put on intraparty democracy to avoid further dissent.

Some 1,124 delegates will vote at the emergency convention to elect the general assembly and party organs. In addition to the election, the General Administrative Board (GİK) consisting of 80 members and the Central Disciplinary Committee (MDK) consisting of 10 members will be determined. It is being rumored in Ankara that radical changes within the GİK and MDK will be seen.

Meanwhile, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Secretary-General İsmet Büyükataman said that the unraveling within the İP will further continue as he expressed his expectation that more ex-MHP members would be purged.

"The political foxiness within the İP turned into a play. The unraveling that broke out with the resignations will continue," Büyükataman said.

The MHP secretary-general stressed ex-party members, who were allegedly used by the İP to destroy the MHP, would find themselves purged in the upcoming period.

The İP, indeed, has been reeling under intraparty unease and an unstoppable wave of resignations. Affected by the resignations from party administration and local branches both before and after the June 24 elections, the party was dealt a heavy blow earlier this week following the resignation of three founding party members, who have been regarded as heavy guns for the İP.

The members that resigned - Yusuf Halaçoğlu, Özcan Yeniçeri and Nevzat Boz - shared a statement to the press regarding their resignations holding the party administration accountable for the unsuccessful results of the June 24 elections and blamed them of "disloyalty" in preparing the deputy lists.

"The party administration opted for figures who joined the party later, while founding members were pushed aside," Halaçoğlu said in a news conference, who read the statement on behalf of the resigned trio.

The resignations are expected to have a devastating effect on the party, which has been engulfed in intraparty debates since the party's poor June 24 election results. The party's chairwoman, Meral Akşener, gained 7.3 percent of the votes in the presidential elections, while the IP garnered 9.6 percent of the votes in the parliamentary elections, well below expectations.

The resignation of the three dissidents followed a lengthy unraveling period in the party after founding Chairwoman Akşener said that she would take the party to an emergency convention and not be a candidate. However, she was convinced by other party members to change her mind.