Four deputy ministers appointed to assist Interior Minister Soylu

Four deputy ministers were appointed to assist Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu in his post with a presidential decree that was published in the Official Gazette yesterday.

The Interior Ministry's previous deputy minister, Mehmet Ersoy, was reappointed to the post, while Interior Ministry Undersecretary Muhterem İnce, Deputy Undersecretary İsmail Çataklı and Deputy Undersecretary Tayyip Sabri Erdil were appointed to the deputy minister posts.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan formed the government on July 9 and declared his executive Cabinet; yet many posts in the new system still need to be filled, including deputy minister positions and presidencies formed as part of the presidential system structure.

Soylu was appointed interior minister in the previous government after the failed July 15 coup attempt in 2016. He was reappointed in the new Cabinet to the post. Soylu has been praised for his efforts in counterterrorism, particularly against the PKK and the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ).