PM Yıldırım meets media members for iftar dinner

Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım came together with the representatives of the media on Saturday at an iftar dinner.

The main topic of the meeting, which was closed to the press, was reportedly Operation Olive Branch that was launched in January to clean the Syrian border from terrorist elements. Speaking on the U.S.' support to the PKK's Syrian affiliate, the People's Protection Units (YPG), Yıldırım said at the dinner that the U.S. understands Turkey better than it did in the past. "There is ongoing work with the U.S. on the attitude toward the YPG and Syria and establishing security in the region together," Yıldırım stated, while adding that he hopes that many issues that create problems with the country will be handled following the elections.

Turkey voted for the system change in April 2017 and got into a transition period toward a presidential system. Thus, in the upcoming June 24 elections, the country will elect not only parliamentarians but also the president for the first time. This means that following the elections, there will be no more prime ministers, making Binali Yıldırım the last prime minister of Turkey.