Mobile oven set by Turkish soldiers bakes 6,000 loaves of bread daily for locals in Syria's Jinderes
Turkish soldiers distribute bread to locals in Jinderes in Afrin from a mobile oven with the capacity to produce 6,000 loaves of bread a day, April 9.

A mobile oven, set up by Turkish soldiers in the town of Jinderes, in northwestern Syria's Afrin, is baking thousands of loaves of bread for the locals every day.

The Turkish troops also distribute the bread among the locals in Afrin, which was recently purged of the PKK's Syrian affiliate, the People's Protection Units (YPG) in Operation Olive Branch.

The bakery on wheels can produce more than 6,000 loaves of bread every day.

Ahmed Mustafa, a local who came to collect bread, told Anadolu Agency (AA) that people in Jinderes were very happy after the Turkish soldiers arrived.

"Before their arrival. Everything was very expensive. We could not bring anything to our town due to a blockade. Everyone will go back to their work now. We hope life will get back to normal soon," he said.

On Jan. 20, Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch to eliminate the YPG/PKK and Daesh terrorists from Afrin.

On March 18, Turkish and Free Syrian Army (FSA) forces liberated Afrin's town center. The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) are now working to restore everyday life in Afrin and provide some much-needed humanitarian aid.

More than 3,800 terrorists have been killed since the start of the operation, allowing many displaced residents to return home. Turkish nongovernmental organizations and state-run humanitarian agencies, including the Turkish Red Crescent, are distributing aid to the locals in Afrin.