Civil authority to be increased over Turkish military, following coup attempt

According to a statement made by the Turkish government, the General Commandership of the Gendarmerie will be disbanded and public security affairs will be connected to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Sources from the government indicate that there will be key changes in the security forces, as the professional military are planned to go under civil authority.Following the announcement of a three-month state of emergency due to the failed July 15 coup attempt by FETÖ, Turkey's security model is being reorganized. The government is expected to take radical measures in the fields considered to have been the source of the coup.The "General Commandership of the Gendarmerie" will now serve as a unit with "General Management" status, while managers and chiefs will have a supervisory role instead of military commanders. Security will be provided by these units within rural areas, but they will be wholly connected to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The implementation of the draft will abolish the dual security structure and connect all security forces to the Ministry. All the appointments within the gendarmerie will be made by the Ministry after that. The same model is used in all European countries, where the Security General Directorate and the gendarmerie are not two separate forces.Within the frame of the new regulations, soldiers will only perform duties in the Land, Air and Naval Forces Commands and will not have the authorization for involvement in internal security, while only under certain circumstances will governorships have the right to invite soldiers to "the streets."All military appointments will be subject to the Ministry of Defense, while changing the appointment procedure of the Supreme Military Council is also under consideration. Sources are also in favor of dividing the command power of the General Staff and the commandership, putting each army command under the control of the governors of their respective provinces.All the military appointment and education phases will be included under civil authority. Sources from the government have not disclosed specific information regarding this but emphasize that there are extensive discussions concerning the procedure. The employment of qualified civil staff in commandership for the border units and international operations is also under consideration.One of the main subjects being discussed is the possible shutting down of military high schools, as it is considered possible to set up a civil education system similar to police schools with a civil board of administration. Another plan under discussion is the launching of an education model requiring a Master's Degree-type system for professional soldiery and to form special units designed only for border security.