Deputy slams German minister for words on Erdoğan

Justice and Development Party (AK Party) deputy and head of Parliament's Human Rights Investigation Commission Mustafa Yeneroğlu, slammed German Justice Minister Heiko Maas for his recent statement claiming the German far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan are twin souls.

Deutsche Welle reported on Tuesday that Mass said that the AfD is the twin soul of Russian President Vladimir Putin, presumptive U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Erdoğan. Responding to Mass in a written statement on Wednesday, Yeneroğlu said that the comparison of Erdoğan with the German AfD was "impertinent."

Criticizing what he called Germany's inadequate policies to prevent racism, Yeneroğlu said that the far right, along with racism, will strengthen in Germany as long as irresponsible statements like these continue. "The ones who do not fight against increasing racism and far-right movements for decades now point out other countries with crooked statements," Yeneroğlu said, claiming that extreme right movements will get stronger and racist murders would not be revealed as long as German politicians maintain this attitude.

Asserting that there are irresponsible, outrageous and impertinent comments about Erdoğan circulating more frequently in Germany recently, Yeneroğlu said that those statements, especially made by high ranking officials is unacceptable. Yenerroğlu condemned Mass's comments as irresponsible and said such statements overshadow bilateral relations and corrupt German politics.

Yeneroğlu also said that Erdoğan has always led the democratization and development of Turkey while supporting the rights of minorities as well as women's participation in Turkish society.