Turkey marks 66th anniversary of Europe Day

On the 66th anniversary of the pact which led to the creation of the EU, Turkey's EU affairs minister said Ankara is determined to promote relations with the continent.In a statement celebrating May 9 as Europe Day, Minister for EU Affairs Volkan Bozkır hailed the EU as "one of the most important peace projects, not just in our era but possibly in the history of humanity, one which has united the divided European continent."

Europe Day marks the May 9, 1950 signing of the Schumann Declaration, which proposed a "European Coal and Steel Community." France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg came together to form the first postwar European economic union.

Last week, the European Commission proposed lifting visa requirements for Turkish citizens to travel within the EU's Schengen zone.

Bozkır said: "The European Union…has been a source of hope and inspiration, not only for the peoples of Europe, but also for international society since the day of its foundation. Turkey is fully confident that EU membership is a natural consequence of its geography and history."

Turkey-EU relations have intensified in recent months, following years of deadlock after the opening of accession talks in 2005, with parties closely cooperating to stem the flow of refugees into the EU.

A visa-liberalization scheme for Turkish citizens and the speeding up of Turkey's EU accession negotiations are part of the migration deal which was opened in Nov. 2015 and finalized in March.