Turkish ministers visit clash-hit southeast over weekend

After Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu announced that he and members of his Cabinet would visit southeastern provinces to heal the wounds caused by the PKK terrorist organization on locals, three members of the Cabinet spent the weekend in the clash-hit provinces. Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Şimsek met with locals in Batman province, Family and Social Policy Minister Sema Ramazanoğlu listened to representatives from civil society organizations in Diyarbakır, Social Security Minister Süleyman Soylu met with local tradesmen in Muş and Deputy Transportation Minister Yüksel Coşkunyürek visited several nongovernmental organizations in Van province.

Davutoğlu will start his weekly visits to southeastern provinces in Mardin on Feb. 5. Davutoğlu said last week that Cabinet members will meet with locals in the region and listen to and address their problems with the aim of re-establishing public order and sustaining the unity of provinces that have seen clashes between security forces and the PKK. In addition, officials have said that the government is finalizing an action plan that includes economic and social dimensions to combat terrorism, and it further aims to provide steps for rehabilitation, measures for management and steps to strengthen the connection between the state and the people.