AK Party ready for retreat in Afyon to discuss new constitution, reforms

As prime minister and the chairman of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party), Ahmet Davutoğlu has finalized his meetings with opposition party chairmen to discuss a new constitution as well as the reforms listed under his government's action plan. Preparations have been finalized for the AK Party's 24th Advisory and Assessment camp, which will be held in Afyonkarahisar from Jan. 8-10. The retreat, which will be attended by all AK party deputies as well as ministers and members of the Central Executive Board (MYK) and the Central Decision and Administrative Board (MKYK), aims to develop strategies for the new governing period.

The event will commence with an opening speech from Davutoğlu followed by working meetings, which Davutoğlu is expected to moderate. The camp will also be attended by members of the Women's and Youth branch and the Disciplinary and Arbitration Board and has been described as a brainstorming period for all AK Party members. While the agenda will focus primarily on party efforts to establish a new constitution and install a presidential system, presentations will also be given by ministers on topics such as foreign policy – with special focus on Syria and Russia – counterstrategies on terrorism, reform and the economy.

Davutoğlu will serve as moderator for the sessions, answering questions from ministers, deputies and other attendees. While Parliament is expected to be occupied with a busy agenda, Davutoğlu will urge deputies not to delay their duties in Parliament. The retreat will be held at a hotel in Afyonkarahisar, a decision made by the AK Party after learning that the intended location – a hotel in Kızılcahamam – is unavailable. The hotel will instead be hosting a program for the shadowy Gülen Movement, which has been labeled an unlawful organization, accused by the government of constructing parallel societies in various countries.

With security concerns arising from the illegal video and audio recordings made by Gülenists that contain private images from certain locations within the Kızılcahamam Asya Thermal hotel, presumably for extortive purposes that could threaten government officials, the AK Party retreat will be closed to the public and media outlets will only be granted access to the prime minister's opening and closing speeches. Due to the expected attendance of deputies' family members, advanced security measures will be taken inside the NG Güral Afyon hotel as well as the surrounding area. The entrances and exits will be controlled by electronic keys.