Anti-terror raids across country at full steam as PKK kills 5 security officers

Ankara resolutely continues to raid terrorist nests of the PKK and the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), as 84 suspects on Saturday and early Sunday were detained by police counterterrorism teams in various provinces. Meanwhile, PKK terrorists attacked security personnel in the provinces of Kars, Bingöl and Şırnak, leaving five dead and seven wounded.Counterterrorism teams conducted raids in various provinces, including Istanbul, Mardin, Van, Denizli, Gaziantep and Kilis. In the Mardin operation, police detained 14 suspects and seized explosives, long-barreled weapons and dozens of Molotov cocktails. Dozens of suspects linked with the urban youth branch of the PKK, the Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement (YDG-H), were also detained in other provinces. The operations targeted ISIS suspects as well in Kilis and Gaziantep. In counterterrorism raids in Gaziantep, 22 suspects were detained, including seven foreign nationals.In Kilis, two people suspected of entering Syria to fight in the terrorist organization were detained.While dozens of suspects were detained following anti-terror operations across the country, PKK terrorist attacks continue to claim the lives of security officers. In the Karlıova district of Bingöl province on Saturday, three soldiers were killed and six wounded by the PKK in a roadside explosion when a military vehicle passed by.PKK terrorists on Saturday opened fire with long-barreled weapons on security officers who came into the neighborhood to close ditches dug using heavy equipment. Security officers quickly retaliated, resulting in the deaths of four PKK terrorists. A police officer was also killed in the clash.In a clash early Sunday in the Kağızman district of Kars province between the PKK and security officers, one soldier was killed and one wounded. Following the clash, three terrorists have been found neutralized and troops seized weapons.The incidents follow a deadly attack on Friday night in southeastern Hakkari province, leaving three soldiers dead and six wounded, according to a report by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK).Meanwhile, Saturday marked the 31st anniversary of the start of the armed conflict between the PKK and the Turkish state. Formed in 1978, the PKK fought the Turkish state in an attempt to found its own independent state until the early 2000s. The group then shifted its goal to autonomy in predominately Kurdish inhabited regions of Turkey.