Turkey 'firmly committed' to anti-ISIS coalition: US' Pentagon

U.S.' Pentagon said on Monday that Turkey is 'firmly committed' to actively take part in the fight against ISIS with the U.S.-led coalition.

"The U.S. and Turkey are finalizing technical details for Turkey's full inclusion in these coalition operations," Pentagon spokesman Maj. James Brindle said in a statement to Anadolu Agency.

"Until these details are finalized, the U.S. has requested Turkey not to undertake independent counter-ISIS strikes in Syria, to ensure safe air operations for the coalition in dense airspace. Turkey agreed," Brindle said.

Turkish officials have said that Turkey will soon begin to participate in coalition airstrikes against ISIS.

Last month, Turkey agreed to allow U.S.-led coalition forces to launch airstrikes against ISIS positions from Incirlik, which is located close to Turkey's border with war-torn Syria.The U.S. began flying armed missions from the strategic Incirlik Air Base in southeastern Turkey last weekend, and carried out the first unmanned airstrike from the facility last Tuesday.Over the weekend, the U.S. sent a contingent of six F-16s, and 300 American personnel to the base.Brindle said he has no information on additional deployments."Any augmentations will depend on mission requirements," he said, adding that the U.S. expects to begin flying manned missions "in the near term".