CHP deputy urges party not to continue cooperation with Gülenists

Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) İzmir Deputy Birgül Ayman Güler, who was referred to the party's disciplinary committee for her remarks over an alleged alliance between the Gülen Movement and the CHP, said in a televised interview on Sunday that the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) understood its mistake of cooperating with the Gülen Movement, which is alleged to have infiltrated key government institutions to overthrow the elected government, but the CHP did not take a lesson from this mistake and cooperated with the movement. "We saw that some CHP candidates made propaganda through the channels of the movement ahead of the March 30 local elections. I did not support it. The AK Party's rival is the CHP. The movement is not the AK Party's rival so there was no reason for the CHP to cooperate with the movement."Explaining the Gülen Movement's relation with political parties with a metaphor, Güler echoed her previous sentiments by saying: "The movement is like a barnacle. Barnacles cannot maintain their lives without clinging to whales. After a while, they make the whales heavy and the only way for the whales to get rid of them is by rubbing themselves on the land in shallow parts of a sea. The Gülen Movement clung to the AK Party, but the AK Party saved itself. Now they are trying to cling to the CHP. Unfortunately, our friends [in the CHP] say 'why not?' "