Report from 2008 shows former Gülenist police chief targeted rival group

The former head of the police intelligence unit, Ali Fuat Yılmazer, a member of the Gülen Movement is currently under arrest for wiretapping charges and allegedly constructed a plot that targeted a rival group. Members of the Gülen Movement allegedly conducted an operation against a rival group, who they call "Tahşiye", in 2010 to eliminate their so-called threat. Prominent lawyer and a journalist, Fidel Okan, refuted the claims that the name "Tahşiye" was first coined by Fethullah Gülen, the leader of the Gülen Movement, in a sermon in 2009. Instead, Okan came up with a fresh allegation saying that the first mention of the word was in a report about the activities of the group, which was signed by Yılmazer. If the report's authenticity is verified, the plot members of the Gülen Movement are accused of setting against the Tahşiye group was initiated by Yılmazer.Okan and Sabah daily's newsroom chief discussed the Dec. 14 operation as part of an investigation into Gülen Movement-linked media staffers and police officers on private news channel A haber, and shared analysis and documents of the Tahşiye case.The Istanbul prosecutor, who gave the green light for the operation into those allegedly affiliated with the Gülen Movement after a complaint was filed by some members of the group dubbed Tahşiye – a name allegedly introduced by Gülen – issued a detention for 31 suspects on Sunday. Following their interrogations, all of the suspects, except for four, were released leaving no journalist under arrest.Although media outlets close to the movement have tried to portray the operation as being about curbing the freedom of the press, the investigation is about offenses such as the fabrication of crimes and slander.Contrary to the picture Gülen Movement media circles intend to paint of the operation, the suspects were accused of taking part in a plot against a group that they allegedly deemed a threat to their entity. The opposing group, which follows similar Islamic principles to the Gülen Movement, was adversely influencing the reputation of the Gülen Movement, which allegedly led to the suspects to plot to get rid of the group. Yılmazer, who was the head of the intelligence department of the police at the time, allegedly had signed an official report detailing the activities of the Tahşiye group.The Tahşiye case has created hot debates with many critics and journalists participating in the discussion of how the alleged plot was constructed. It was initially believed that a sermon by Gülen delivered on April 3, 2009, targeting the group, was the first mention of it as a terrorist organization. This sermon was given a year before an operation that led to the incarceration of some members of the group from 8 to 20 months. However, new reports and evidence introduced by Okan have revealed that the group was first targeted by Yılmazer in an official report with his signature. The report was dated December 3, 2008, an earlier date than Gülen's sermon, and could be the first referral to the group and its alleged activities. Explaining that Gülen himself did not construct the plan, Okan indicated that he had been directed by his personnel over the issue. "He first learned about the group via his followers," Okan claimed. The name Tahşiye is also mentioned in the alleged report that further reads: "The Tahşiye group of the Nur Movement, which carries out its activities in Istanbul, Ankara, Aksaray, Bitlis, Bursa, Elazığ, Erzurum, Kayseri, Konya, Malatya, Muş, Sivas and Van as well as some countries abroad such as France, Germany and Saudi Arabia, consists of approximately 5,000 members." The report also said that the group kept its activities secret to avoid attracting attention.In the report signed by Yılmazer the group was also deemed an obstacle for Islamic reform applied by the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and they are said to see the Gülen Movement's members as "hypocrites."