Joe Biden to visit Turkey next month

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden next month will visit Ukraine as well as Turkey, where fighting across the border in the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani has sparked tensions in the region.During the week of Nov. 17, Biden is set to meet Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko after pro-Western parties scored big wins in Ukrainian elections, the White House said Monday.Biden will then travel on to Morocco and Turkey where he will meet with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.U.S. airdrops of weapons and medical supplies to Kurdish fighters in Kobani, under siege by Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) militants have prompted tensions with Ankara.Turkey last week said it would let Kurdish peshmerga fighters from Iraq to cross through its territory to join the battle in Kobani, but it has not yet happed.According to the Turkish press, Erdoğan has accused Syria's PKK-linked Democratic Union Party (PYD) of not wanting Kurdish peshmerga fighters from Iraq to help in the fight.